Ignite Performance Company
Bridgeman Academy's Performing Dance Troupe
The purpose of the Ignite Performance Company is to provide students with special opportunities to perform at exciting venues throughout the St. Louis Area. Dancers will also have opportunities to serve others through local community performances.
Company members have performed at events such as:
Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World Resort
The Nutcracker at The Fabulous Fox
Ambush Soccer
Busch Stadium
The Nutcracker at The Fabulous Fox
Liberty Showcase, Liberty High School
Assisted Living - Avalon Park, Chestnut Glen, Park Place
If you're interested in having this talented group of performers at your next event, please contact us for more details.
2024 Ignite Company Members
Company Requirements
Students must be enrolled in the Pre-Professional Program in order to perform as a member or apprentice in the Company. They must also maintain consistent class attendance throughout the year. Students are allowed 6 unexcused absence days for each dance season and 3 unexcused company class absences.
The following are considered “excused” absences:
Family emergencies
Mandatory school programs (does not include elective clubs, teams, or classes)
Wedding or religious services for immediate family members
Studio-approved auditions/performances
Serious or infectious illness
Dancers with cases of injury or mild illness are expected to watch Company class and take notes in order to not be counted as an unexcused absence.
Punctuality is just as important as attendance, please be on time and prepared for class. Two (2) occurrences of tardiness will count as an unexcused absence. If a student misses more than the allowed absences, their role in the Company will change to "Alternate" and they will not participate in performances. Dance requires consistent ongoing training, and dancers who excessively miss classes will not progress or be able to perform at the same level as those who have attended all classes regularly.
Being a member of a dance company is a privilege and comes with responsibility. Personal accountability is essential for a successful season, and commitment to your other company members is a vital component of this success. When a member of the company is not present, it negatively impacts your entire team. Please do not accept a Member or Apprentice position in this year’s Dance Company if you expect scheduling conflicts with other sports or activities. If a student is in the Pre-Professional Program, but cannot commit to performance, they may elect on their own to be an "Alternate" position in the Company.
If a student is not in the Pre-Professional Program but would like to participate in the Performance Company, they may request to participate in the Company as an "Alternate." Alternates have the opportunity to attend Company class and perform at the end-of -year recital with the Company, however, they do not perform during other yearly performances unless a Member or Apprentice in the Company is unable to attend.